Thank you all for your tips.
Just like tthoben I created a playlist called "night time" and dumped a couple of mp3s in it.
I tried both your vocal commands to no avail
Alexa is at a total loss even though I clearly pronounce my commands in a quiet environment.
I cannot either fire one single mp3 stored on my free Amazon Music cloud (even if the mp3 tag Artist/Title is correct)
It is very strange and disappointing
While trying myself to get this to work, I found out inadvertently that the Echo and Amazon Music account must be registered in the same country, else it will not work.
May seem obvious to most, but I was in that situation tearing my hair out and found out my Amazon Music account was UK registered
I'm pretty sure both my Echo and Amazon Music account are configured as US and still, invoking a custom playlist never worked no matter the vocal command
For EchoOn , Settings > Jerome's Echo > Language >
English (United States)For Amazon MusicIf I log into then click (menu, bottom left) on Jerome > Your Amazon Music settings, I am redirected to a page on called "Your Amazon Music Settings".
I am NOT a Prime music member (only have the right to upload 250 songs for free).
At the bottom of this page, there is a "Your country settings" tab with a "View music library country settings" link that redirects to a page called "Your Country Settings".
It reads :
Your Amazon Music account is associated with: (US)=> Am I good ?
Note : I am located in France. I had to type my brother's credit card number (who lives in the US) to trick in creating an account (and maybe use a VPN on top of that, can't remember for sure). I don't know if it has anything to do with my issue with playlists but I thought I needed to pinpoint this.