I enjoy playing with Echo's streaming radio choices including news stations. I took a bunch of notes of what worked and how to talk Echo's language. I submitted my notes to April's
Love My Echo site and she published them in a blog article.
How to Speak Alexahttp://lovemyecho.com/2015/07/06/guest-post-how-to-speak-alexa/Here is the formula that I found worked best for me.
1. ask to
PLAY - Alexa, play CNN.
if that does not get the desired result (may work but wrong station)
2. ask to play
STATION - Alexa, play the station USA Today.
3. ask to play (name of show)
ON (name of service) - Alexa, play BBC News Hour on TuneIn.
Using these steps I was able to play through Echo what I found on TuneIn and iHeart Radio.
In the article I've listed what worked for me including over 20 shows you can just ask to play by name.