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Unlimited music at £3.99

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William 2017

Unlimited music at £3.99
« on: November 23, 2016, 05:04:51 pm »
Hi folks I'm new here. Setting my echo dot up for my mum mainly for music. I subscribed via the echo dot for the 30 day trial and £3.99 pm there after but while trying to create playlists and upload my own music via my phone i was directed to download the septate Amazon music app from play store and on doing so I discovered that I am able to stream and download music to my phone although the it asked to stop the echo dot streaming. So I'm confident it is all one account but when I called customer services he first said it will be £9.99 after the trial when I told him I subscribed via the echo to the £3.99 echo unlimited music plan he corrected himself and said that's right it was the £3.99 plan. He then went on to tell me that I can actually use the echo plan on a second device but I have not read this anywhere, only that you can use it only on a single echo device. Has anyone else had this where they can use the echo music unlimited plan on a second device or is this guy just avoiding having to deal with my issue.

William 2017

Re: Unlimited music at £3.99
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2016, 05:32:05 pm »
The Echo Plan is limited to a single device:

That is my understanding of it Alan. I called them again and they told me that it is dedicatedly in the £3.99 echo plan. I'm wondering though if it because it is still in the trial phase is it giving me access to other devices. Good thing though because it is showing me to create playlists that I can set up to use with the echo. Hopefully if I lose that second device access that my playlists will still exist on their cloud.

Re: Unlimited music at £3.99
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2016, 05:51:36 pm »
The Trial period of 30 days is for the full Music Unlimited playing on any device you have. Once the 30 days is up and you start paying the £3.99 then it will revert to just being the Echo that can use it.