I've googled the heck out of my problem and keep finding posts related to people having problems initially discovering a Hue bridge or bulbs. Not me.
I've got a total of 11 Hue bulbs throughout my house and for the most part, things generally work. However on any annoyingly frequent basis, Echo will be unable to "find a device or group named <Device>". I can immediately launch the Hue app to turn on/off the bulb in question, so I know the Hue bridge is up with network connectivity.
My setup at home is fairly robust. I have 2 Ubiquiti Unifi access points for my wifi, both of which are on a UPS. I have almost ZERO network related issues in my home.
I'm considering buying a WeMo switch to reboot my Hue bridge on a nightly basis, but that's just treating a symptom instead of the problem.
Any thoughts?
I love the Hue integration with Echo........when it works.