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How would you implement security ?

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How would you implement security ?
« on: December 04, 2016, 05:47:06 am »
In my view, the lack of any privacy/security is holding back the echo quite a lot.
Unlike your phone or computer, which can be more useful and give you access to a lot more helpful info, the echo can't, mainly I would guess deliberately as they are aware of the lack of privacy/security.

You would not want any passing stranger to be able to access your contact list, your account numbers, passwords, phone numbers, personal info etc.
This would also go for family members, where, whilst you would be so worried about security as such, you would still like to have your own details to access or keep.

Dads, reminders, and events, may not wish to be mixed in with the kids ones for example.
Or dads business contacts, mixed with the childrens school friends.

So, a way of the Echo being able to deal with this.

I may suggest 2 modes.
A public mode of operation, pretty much like we have right now, but also a more private mode, that would need activating by some means.

Could be voice recognition.
Could be saying a password (though I appreciate speaking a password out loud may not be the best idea!)
Another option which may work very well, and it proven tech could be a fingerprint reader on the top of the device.

Perhaps you press on this, it then says something like "Private mode activated" Then you can deal with your more personal/private data that's linked to just you.

This could time out, or you could just say "End Private mode" for this to be locked out again and go back to general usage.

That's just one idea, As I say, perhaps voice recognition (if it's possible) would be another.

It would be nice to just ask Alexa for your password to something, or your bank balance, or someone phone number.
This would all be locally stored or cloud encrypted, and, as I said only accessible from some type of private mode.

Your thoughts?


Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2016, 06:10:07 am »
I like the idea of a privacy function in principle but I can see problems immediately for households where that's associated with just one person. Can you imagine - dad has the privacy button but mum doesn't, nor do any of the older teenagers? Suddenly, dad becomes head honcho in a way that doesn't happen with other highly accessible devices. In some ways it's comparable to a phone or tablet which doesn't support multiple accounts rather than a PC that does. It's going to take some thinking about, I'd say.


Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2016, 06:23:28 am »
I like the idea of a privacy function in principle but I can see problems immediately for households where that's associated with just one person. Can you imagine - dad has the privacy button but mum doesn't, nor do any of the older teenagers? Suddenly, dad becomes head honcho in a way that doesn't happen with other highly accessible devices. In some ways it's comparable to a phone or tablet which doesn't support multiple accounts rather than a PC that does. It's going to take some thinking about, I'd say.

Oh yes, sorry, I did not make it clear.
I was not suggesting only one privacy area.
You would wish multiple ones, Fingerprint or Voice recognition etc (whichever method)
You would need to offer perhaps up to 6 privacy accounts on a device.
That would cover most families I would imagine.


Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2016, 07:16:53 am »
That seems to move towards multiple accounts then which is obviously possible on some devices (PCs and the like) but so far, not others. I heard Apple is looking into that for iPads but I don't know if that's a fact or wishful thinking.


Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2016, 02:54:51 pm »
Send all suggestions and comments to Amazon; saying things in here does nothing to get the word to Amazon!


Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2016, 05:59:35 pm »
Discussion is good though, isn't it? Helps to shape up thoughts and move them towards ideas that might make viable suggestions?


Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2016, 07:30:08 pm »
Did not say it isn't, but have you passed on any of your many comments to Amazon yet?  I have.

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Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2016, 10:07:56 pm »
Discussion is good though, isn't it? Helps to shape up thoughts and move them towards ideas that might make viable suggestions?
I like to shape up my thoughts and move them towards ideas prior to posting  ;)


Re: How would you implement security ?
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2016, 04:37:15 am »
Discussion is good though, isn't it? Helps to shape up thoughts and move them towards ideas that might make viable suggestions?
I like to shape up my thoughts and move them towards ideas prior to posting  ;)

Haha, yes! Always a benefit before you let anyone else loose on them :)