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Adding Second Household Member

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Adding Second Household Member
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:47:13 am »
I can't do it.  I get the very informative message: "Error".  Way to go Amazon.

Now I suppose it is possible that since my wife and I share the same Amazon account ... THAT is the problem.  Then I have to observe that since it would be completely stupid for my wife and I to have 2 - accounts, pay for 2 - Prime memberships, not be able to share Kindle books, not be able to share music, etc. Amazon must be completely daft and not want to allow my wife to have her own Echo account on our Echo.

Any thoughts?

P.S. this business with the quiz at every turn is downright stupid!  Please cut it out.


Re: Adding Second Household Member
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2015, 09:34:37 am »
I am in a household with my husband and he also has his own prime account. We bought his when it was $79.00. I think he can add music to mine because we're together.

Just out of curiosity- what is this: P.S. this business with the quiz at every turn is downright stupid!  Please cut it out.?