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Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.

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Has anyone come across this
"Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline."

Started last night & still happening.

Didn't change any settings when this first occurred, all my Alexas are connected to 2.4GH network as are my Harmony Hub, TP Link Plug & LIFX Bulb 800.
My Alexas are all working just not updating & discovering my smart home stuff, any ideas please?

Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 08:30:00 pm »
are you able to access them through their respected app?  you can try a power cycle on alex, unplug the power for a 10 count then plug back int.  if that does not work try a power cycle on your router. 

Mr. Virtual

Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2016, 10:17:14 pm »
 >:(  >:(  I'm having the same exact problem.  The message "Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline" although they are not (3 of them throughout the house) - they're all active and working.  I enabled the Alexa WeMo skill in the Alexa app on my iPhone 7 and attempted to discover all devices since I heard that it would now control WeMo bulbs.  After the first scan for devices it scanned all devices successfully (once) and noticed that my WeMo bulbs were added to the list, but then one of the WeMo Bulb devices disappeared from the list (in the Alexa app only), while it still appeared in the WeMo app and was still working.  All WeMo devices are working through the WeMo app just fine on all of my iOS devices, and most of the WeMo devices (8 out of 9 appear in the list of "Found Devices" in the Alexa app under the WeMo skill).  For some reason, I started getting the message above - sometimes within 2 seconds during the scan, and sometimes it almost reaches 90% and then the error message appears.  I've reset my Apple AirPort Extreme, my firewall, unplugged the WeMo bulb and plugged back in after 30 seconds, and finally rebooted all Alexa devices to no avail.  The message "Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline" despite them being on and working is baffling.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 06:07:52 pm by Mr. Virtual »


Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2016, 11:55:49 pm »
Same problem here. Started just today after I added more echos to my system last night. I am using ha-bridge to a VeraPlus, and that seems to be working fine. It emulates a Philips Hue interface and the commands from the Echo work just fine for turning scenes on and off. But now when I try to discover new devices it gives the error above. Perhaps it has to do with having multiple echo devices in the home?


Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2016, 03:51:51 pm »
It started working for me again today. The only thing I did differently was to go to one of my "new" echo dot devices (that I had recently added to the network) and saying "Alexa, discover devices". Then it seemed to add the devices and they now all show as online in the Alexa app. Not sure if that is what did it, but probably worth a try.


Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2016, 08:08:18 pm »
Happening for me as well. The Alexa app just says all of my alexa devices are offline - however they clearly are not.  Devices discovery works ok via voice command however.

Mr. Virtual

Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2016, 10:58:49 pm »
Echo123, thanks for the suggestion, BUT unfortunately it didn't work for me.  Problem still persists in every which way.  Hopefully the Amazon Echo Support will be able to replicate the error and find a fix for it soon...


Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2016, 11:17:12 pm »
I found this helpful .....

From the SmartThings Support pages:

If you did not grant blanket permissions for devices and instead chose them individually, use the following steps to add new devices to Alexa.


In the SmartThings app:

Tap Automations
Tap SmartApps
Tap Amazon Alexa
You will see the devices Amazon Alexa currently has access to
Tap Switches or Thermostats
Tap the checkbox for each new device Amazon Alexa needs access to
Tap Done
You can also toggle the switch for Routines to the ON state, if needed
Tap Next
Say: “Alexa, discover new devices.” (After new devices receive checks in their checkboxes, Alexa can automatically discover your new devices within an hour, but prompting the discovery will allow Alexa to control them immediately)
Wait for Alexa to confirm discovery is complete (up to 20 seconds)
Tap Done



Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2016, 10:19:57 pm »
Roy, you've got it! At least for me. Just one small difference:

SmartThings App
Click Automation at the bottom
Click Smart Apps
Click Amazon echo
Make sure "Allow Alexa to access all devices and Routines"

Viola!   :)

Mr. Virtual

Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2016, 01:17:49 am »
Has anyone found a solution to the error on the Alexa App that says "Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline"?  I have 1 Amazon Echo and 2 Dots.  All are connected and work fine.  I ran discovery of devices and it worked for all devices once.  Now that I'm trying to add a new WeMo Bulb it won't complete discovery and the error message pops-up before completing discovery every time.  I've also tried the voice command "Alexa, Discover Devices" and it does seem to compete, but does not find the new bulb.  The new WeMo bulb works fine with the WeMo app, but the Echo does not discover it.  Any ideas?

Note:  I've reset all Echo devices, and unscrewed the new WeMo bulb, but no luck - the error on the iOS app still pops up.


Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2016, 08:27:25 am »
The new WeMo bulb works fine with the WeMo app, but the Echo does not discover it.  Any ideas?.

Which WeMo bulb do you have?  Is it this one...


Mr. Virtual

Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2016, 11:03:42 pm »
Hi DParker.  Yes!  Precisely that one.  I have a total of 5 WeMo Bulbs, but for some reason only 2 are detected.  Coincidentally, the 2 are the newer bulbs as opposed to the model you sent.  I have a feeling the older ones are not going to be detectable by the Echo... :-[

Thanks for your reply!


Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2016, 11:12:07 pm »
Hi DParker.  Yes!  Precisely that one.  I have a total of 5 WeMo Bulbs, but for some reason only 2 are detected.  Coincidentally, the 2 are the newer bulbs as opposed to the model you sent.  I have a feeling the older ones are not going to be detectable by the Echo... :-[

Thanks for your reply!

That's a good bet, considering the last bulleted item in the product description...

"• Not compatible with Amazon Echo."

Mr. Virtual

Re: Discovery could not be completed. All of your Alexa devices are offline.
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2016, 08:00:11 pm »
Well...that explains why they're not being discovered!  I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, the situation was perplexing to say the least.  What is still puzzling is the message that the Alexa App gives when clicking "Discover Devices" that it says "All of Your Alexa Devices Are Offline."  Could that be caused by the bulbs that aren't being detected?  Thank you very much for your help!