I have one Alexa Echo shared between my Kitchen / Living room, and then I have 4 more dots around my house. These control a mixture of wireless light bulbs, switches (lightwaveRF), plugs (Hive) and blinds.
Alexa is generally great, but one feature I sorely think it is missing, is the concept of location. It knows its in the town where I live, but really, each Echo and Dot should have a setting for which ROOM it is in. If a room is supplied, then saying "Alexa, turn off the lights" should be internally expanded to "Alexa, turn off the LIVING ROOM lights (If that Echo was set to LIVING ROOM. My Office Dot should hear "Alexa, close blinds" as "Alexa, close OFFICE blinds"
Contextual awareness is key in our own language skills, and it seems that without Alexa having a true sense of location (context), it cant be as intuitive as it should be.
My second grip is with Discovery of "Devices". Once discovered, via Skills, devices present their various modes to Alexa, sometimes with VERY long names, or names that are just not that appropriate. Also, some of the default behaviours for these devices does not work very well.
Let me give some examples.
I have my Lightwave "Office Blind", it appears in Alexa as such, so the name is ok. However, to use it, I have to say, Alexa, Office blind Offf", rather than "Open", thats not very intuitive?
Another example
LightwaveRF offers "Moods" so I can create a Mood, such as "Spots 100%", for my Kitchen. This appears in Alexa as "Kitchen mood spots 100%", which is pretty hard to remember, let alone say correctly.
So, we need a way to be able to create an Alias for that mood. And we need a way to pick Aliases for the blinds control.In that case, mapping CLOSE -> off, and OPEN -> on. Would make life a lot easier.
Lets combine both wishes. And try and open the blinds
Before: "Alexa, Office Blinds Off"
After: "Alexa, Blinds Close" (or even better) "Alexa, Close Blinds"
And that unwieldy mood
Before: "Alexa, Kitchen mood spots 100%"
After: "Alexa, lights full" (using an alias of "Kitchen lights full", remember, Alexa knows we are in the Kitchen...)
What do you think?
And also, I can complain, or rather suggest this improvement here. But is there an OFFICIAL Alexa forum, where these points might get seen by their QA, Product Manager or Developers?