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Turn on PC with Alexa or Siri if you have the setup!

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Re: Turn on PC with Alexa or Siri if you have the setup!
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2017, 10:18:21 pm »
I just tried it on a win10 computer and it worked without making any changes there too.  looked in power options and my setting is when power button is pressed - shutdown.    I think the secret is as I said in a previous post - you have to press power button to turn on before using the wemo switch and leave it on, just like you do with bulbs. 

in addition, I did not get the unexpected shutdown error message. 

Re: Turn on PC with Alexa or Siri if you have the setup!
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2017, 08:58:01 pm »
going to reopen this thread because...

I just purchased a new Dell from the local walmart.  I finally see what the others were talking about with the power switch not turning on.  as I said in my previous post, I have three computers where I could power on/off with the wemo switch.    However, in this new Dell, the wemo switch will not turn it on - just off.  So I guess I was wrong in my assumption about the power switch being on was the secret.    so one Dell, one emachine, one acer will work and new Dell will not...I had another emachine that worked but no longer have it.    dont really matter anyway, never turned the computers off anyway. 

oh well, I was wrong and learned something new...