Who has the low down on Echo/Dot and Lowes?
They suddenly had a Big Sale on The Dot and Echo (Echo for $139.00, pretty big discount) at Lowes... So I went to buy an extra Dot and Nowhere in town has them, and the Displays have been removed. Also, Amazon shows everything on backorder as well. Even Best buy locally has none in stock... Is the popularity that big? or is something terribly wrong?
Is Amazon having a problem with production? Did Lowes (Who now has the Google Home devices where the Amazon products were) Ditch their alliance with Amazon, or what? I don't like being screwed around by anyone, and there seems to be no public info as to what the deal is... that pricing at Lowes looks like close out pricing and moving product to disconnect from it... In light of the Google home being displayed prominently now, it looks bad to me. Why?