Echo & Alexa Forums

Echo Tap "hands free" update to Alexa...? Articles say it's available, but...

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New here, but... no Search function??

Just got an Echo Tap because I read that an update to the Alexa app would allow it to work "hands free" - as in, "You don't have to push the button anymore".  I saw no less than 4 articles saying this was the case and to "just update the Alexa app" for this functionality.  But there's no update available.  The last one I see is from October.  There's no option for this in the app that I can find anywhere.

Any thoughts?

Offline kevb

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"Search" is at the top left of the webpage.  Amazon doesn't send out updates to all Echos/ Dots/ Taps at the same time- they seem to come out piecemeal. Yours will eventually be updated. It would be the actual Echo firmware that updates, not the app.


to the OP

Speaking of "search", if you had searched this forum (instead of just asking the question) you would have found this recent thread talking all about the TAP hands-free update.  It tells you how to get it and how to check if you have the latest software update to the Tap.,1571.0.html