Alexa already controls a bunch of things in my home through an Insteon hub.
My goal is to use voice commands to Alexa to control the volume of everything...
Everything that I listen to and/or watch is initially on my Windows PC.
Movies, TV shows, music, all of them start in my PC, leave through line out, go to a pre-amp/(class T) amp setup (great sound, and not very expensive), and then to Bose speakers.
I don't use the internal speakers of the TV.
Note that the TV is just being used as a monitor, for the video part of TV shows or movies.
Right now I have two options to change volume.
Walk over and adjust the volume of pre-amp or use the IR remote control for the pre-amp.
I would like to give Alexa voice commands to adjust volume.
What can I add or change to give me this capability?
Would prefer not to replace my beloved amp, but if I have to....