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Echo, Spotify and Facebook Problems

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Echo, Spotify and Facebook Problems
« on: April 11, 2017, 09:22:13 am »
I'm hoping someone here can help.  I've had my Echo for over 6 months now and only recently have I encountered this problem.

The Echo stopped streaming Spotify.  It stopped being an option on Spotify under "connected devices."  After investigating further, I realized that the Echo was no longer linking to my Spotify account (accessed through FB), but was linking to some unfamiliar account.  So, I unlinked Spotify through the Alexa app and relogged in.  Same thing. It says I'm logged in as myself, but shows a different Spotify account.  This has happened over and over and over.  I've restarted the Echo multiple times.  It always comes out the same.  I've attached pictures below.  Without having the Echo on the same Spotify account, I can't play playlists on my account on the Echo or switch between my phone or laptop and the Echo. 

Shows that when I go to connect that it recognizes my FB account:

Shows that I'm linked:

Shows the gobbledy gook account info:

Shows Echo "Can't Play This Right Now," which I think is indicative of not being on the same Spotify account.

Alpha Bitch

Re: Echo, Spotify and Facebook Problems
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2017, 04:51:39 pm »
I realized that the Echo was no longer linking to my Spotify account (accessed through FB), but was linking to some unfamiliar account.
Why not connect directly w/Spotify???  Why are you going through FB to connect?