New user to this awesome forum. One issue that I am having, I just got my AlexaPi up and running this morning. Alexa works awesome. I own one TP-Link wifi switch which by using Alexa, can turn ON and turn OFF. The issue is that I also have a TP-Link HS-100 wifi outlet. Kasa shows both devices and I can remotely control both devices via KASA. I followed all of the setting to link KASA up with the Alexa Assistant on my iphone. It also found both my switch and my outlet. Again, I can voice command the switch and it works. But the HS-100 outlet, I can use Alexa to turn ON and she will say OK and then turn the outlet ON. But when I say turn off (the very same command for the switch) there is no confirmation OK and the outlet stay ON. I have combed through and have not found much documentation on my issue. Anyone else having this issue with the TP-LINK HS100 wifi outlet where Alexa can turn it ON but not OFF?
I have reset the outlet a couple times and used KASA to delete the existing profile and reset up the switch and then used the Alexa Assistant to reDiscover the switch. Thanks so much for your time.