If you link your Alexa To Do list to a Todoist account (through Settings > Lists) then this can do the sort of thing you want. You simply need to say "Alexa, add <whatever> every day at <time> to my to do list". This will make Alexa will add it to your list. Your list will then get synchronised with Todoist, which will parse the "every day at <time>", replace it with a recurring item named "<whatever>", and remove the original item from Alexa. Every day, when Todoist synchronises with Alexa, it will add that day's task to your Alexa to do list.
You can have reminders from Todoist, but these are a Premium (subscription) feature. If you don't have Premium (I don't), a workaround is to use IFTTT. The Alexa IFTTT service has an "Item added to your To Do List" trigger which you can use to trigger an event (such as a notification) whenever a new task is added to Alexa. This will happen every time Todoist adds the new occurrence of the task.