Hello All!
New Member, be gentle.
Thanks for taking at look at this thread, I have a rather odd project I would like to embark on, but i'm sure most of you can relate.
I have an Amazon Echo that I would like to begin using as a family calendar system. As i'm sure many of you are aware, adding events to the calendar is very easy, so I would like to have everyone on my family be able to just yell an event out the the Echo and then everyone knows what's happening very quickly.
The problem is that when you make an event, It gets added to whatever person's calendar who is signed in at the time. In this case, my mother's. She uses a Gmail calendar which I think is the best solution here, but please let me know if you have other ideas. Anyways, I want any event that is created with the Echo to have a list of guests that are automatically invited via email. This way, any event that is important enough to yell at the Echo, will also be forwarded to everyone in the household. Doesn't sound too difficult, but I can't seem to find any products or guides that will help me achieve this.
I think there is a way to add groups to google calendar, but if I did it this way, It would require me to manually go into the events that have been created and forward them, which defeats the purpose of this project.
If I need to run some sort of Echo Bridge or server I have a VM ready to take the job. If anyone can provide a guide for me to do this I would greatly appreciate it. Even if the solution is still somehow staring me in the face, and I just don't see it yet...
Thanks for the support!