It has been my experience that Polls get very little input so I'm surprised by the response this has gotten.
Administrators usually try to make all users experience a good one.
Polls are a good way to get a consensus of users perspectives, so thanks to those that responded.
Many put forth suggestions on how to improve spam prevention.
I suggested some mods which due to restrictions the host puts on this forum are I'm told unusable.
jwlv has implemented a spam mod which should help.
The Captcha may still be there for users with less then X number of posts ( I'm uncertain of this but hope it is the case).
jwlv can weigh in?
I've had experience with spammers creating several accounts (sleeper accounts) which they leave dormant for months before attacking with spam. Some Mods can catch these registrations and reject them. however they may not work due to the limitation mentioned.
I've also seen Seinfeld users (users that post about nothing) or respond to a thread with nonsense just to get post counts up (these should be reported)