Monica, are you trying to jerk me around? I will assume you are not, and give you a straight answer.
Reasons, to use one's home wireless rather than the cell plan for internet use:
(In the US) home internet use is not metered and permits unlimited use, whereas cell data is metered, meaning most plans limit the data one can use each month, measured in gigabytes. If one wants more data per month, it cost more for usually every 10 gigabytes more one wants, and the price goes up accordingly.
This why we do not connect our Alexa devices to a data plan, but rather our wi-fi or home network via a wired connection for other devices. I know a lot of people do not "get this" because I can see all the wi-fi signals in my neighborhood, and some are on 24/7/365 and some are on during a few hours in the evening. Why? Those who know to use their wi-fi have it on all the time, and those who don't only have it on a few hours. Also those that are not on all the time do not have any Alexa or GH devices which requires constant wi-fi.
Another reason to use wi-fi at home instead of data plan is most wi-fi is faster than what most cell data plans are. For internet video streaming, fast internet is essential.
Enough good reasons? I will add, that if not at home, THIS is when to use the data plan, but if you have access to a hotspot, then use it and not data plan. Don't spend down the data plan unnecessarily.