Life can be tough in the AI world once in a while for us humans. Deal with it!
Well, I believe that after I requested labeled timers on this forum, and pointed out that the google home had them, Amazon saw the light. So there is hope that this will get fixed in the near future.
To be clear, I have 2 alexa devices, a dot and an echo. Ideally, I should be able to control when either of these says "ok", and for which devices (lights, fans etc.) each would provide feedback for.
Here is how I would implement this, were I an amazon programmer.
When I go to the alexa app, and choose smart devices, it lists my devices. However, only "forget" is available. It would be nice if I could, say, long press on the device listing (not the forget button though) and it could provide a setting for feedback, and have one checkbox for each alexa device the app knows about. I think this would provide the flexibility to have "ok" feedback for exactly when I want it or not.
Each alexa device knows if it is the one being spoken to, and so would simply check the setting from the pair alexa-device/smart-home-device to determine if feedback were desired.
If this is not possible to implement (today) then as the other poster said, it should at least be a one time setting of on/off, with default on. The setting should also be available independently for each alexa device.