Right now I use Windows 10 with the HA-Bridge and Alex10 (
http://tuicemen.com/alex10 ) which works with the cm11, cm15, cm19, and a few other pc interfaces.
I've just started to experiment using the Broadlink RM for X10. You should be able to incorporate the BroadLink for X10 into your existing setup with a few tweaks.
First you'll need an Android device to be running (old phone, Android TV box or stick) download the RM Bridge app and install to this device.
With the RM Bridge running go to
http://rm-bridge.fun2code.de/rm_manage/ go to create new codes and configure the Broadlink address then you can learn codes. just follow the onscreen instructions.
If you wish to import codes like those I've posted on my site go back to link above and click import code shortcuts.
With the codes you configured your ready to add the to the HA-Bridge.
I assume you already Know how to add on/of/dim calls to the HA-Bridge so I'll not go into to much detail here.
From the RM Bridge (
http://rm-bridge.fun2code.de/rm_manage/) go to Manage code shortcuts
Find the code for the on/of and dim(if wished) for the x10 device your adding to the HA-Bridge and place them in the correct on/off/dim calls section for that device.
Your x10 call will be Custom calls
the on call will be http device (under Type) the on short cut address (under target item)
the dim call will be http device (under Type) the dim short cut address (under target item)
the off call will be http device (under Type) the off short cut address (under target item)
hope that Helps