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$30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149

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$30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« on: November 11, 2015, 04:47:19 am »
Hi everyone,

Amazon Echo is $30 off today on amazon. Price is $149.


Re: $30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2015, 08:14:06 am »
Thanks for heads up.  I just ordered!


Re: $30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 02:41:18 pm »
Even though that promotion was one-day-only, it revealed an asinine policy on the part of Amazon.

I bought my Echo in mid-October, which means it's still within its 30-day return window. I messaged Amazon that since I could return the one I had, how could I obtain a $30 credit for the price difference.

It said that, rather than credit me the difference, I would have to return the Echo I bought a few weeks ago and repurchase the Echo while the special was still in effect.

So rather than just credit me with the $30 price difference, I have to request a return, find the box the Echo came in and repackage it up, print a shipping label, head for the UPS store and ship it back on my dime, and wait for a refund, AND order an identical Echo at the lower price.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. A waste of money and resources. Stupid.

Offline jwlv

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Re: $30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 03:44:50 pm »
There are other companies who do the same thing. They'd rather have the customer return a used product and order a new replacement at a lower price than to just issue a credit for the difference. I don't understand why these companies don't realize that when the customer returns a used product, they can't resell it for full price (hence Amazon has their Warehouse Deals). They lose on both fronts; The money lost from a product that has been used and the lower profits from selling a new product at a lower price. It would be so much better for the customer and the company's profit margin just to issue a credit for the difference.

I know that for some people that a few bucks is not worth going through the hassle. But I bet that it'll still leave a bad taste in their mouth and think twice when the next time they decide to buy something on a whim from the same company.

On a related topic, I bought a portable USB hard drive two months ago from Staples. A week later they had the same hard drive for $10 less. All I did was send one email inquiring about price matching. The very next day, a sales rep replied saying that they will be issuing a credit for the difference. Then a week later, I received a Staples gift card in the mail. How's that for great service? I rarely buy anything from Staples. Prior to this hard drive purchase, I believe the last time I ordered something from Staples was at least 3 or 4 years ago. Because I was impressed by the great service, I've also bought speakers and a small safe from Staples a few weeks ago. Even though I think Staples is overpriced on most products, I will still speak highly about Staples and recommend them to my colleagues.


Re: $30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2015, 03:38:53 pm »
I chatted with customer service and they credited me the 30 dollars, no questions asked. Did it THREE times on three different accounts.


Re: $30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 06:56:44 pm »
The Take-away from this thread is:

NEVER Email customer service of a company; always PHONE them!  Politely tell then your problem, and ask about a good solution.

Just last week, I called Seagate about a drive I have where the battery only lasts 30 minutes today, but when it was new it lasted a few hours.  In fact, I had called them in April, and the rep said I had quite a few months left on my warranty, so I waited a while until last week to call again, and they had a record of my past call to them.

Anyway, the drive had been discontinued a few years ago, nevertheless, they were going to offer me an exchange for a repaired one.  But, they had none, yet they still had some new ones stashed away for moments like this and have sent me a new one to arrive in two days from now. 

I like Seagate, WD, and Toshiba who have all helped me with drive problems when I have called them over the years.  Last year, Amazon helped me restore a Kindle HD and a Fire TV stick when they went haywire for no apparent reason.  A few months ago, even Apple helped me (in their store) with an iPhone past warranty which needed a bottom level firmware re-install -- again for no apparent reason.  Good companies stand behind their products.  If at first you don't succeed, try again.


Re: $30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2015, 10:01:17 pm »
Even cheaper at Bed Bath and Beyond, same price of $149. But after you order it online (or I heard sometimes website will accept it) go in with your 20% off coupon and the store can credit the $30 back to your account :)

Plus if you have an ebates account and connect to the BBB site that way, you'll get that extra percentage back later.


Re: $30 off on Amazon Echo Today. Price is $149
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2015, 07:20:27 pm »
Bought two of them!!
