Horray! We have a chat icon in the Alexa iOS app!
Thats the good news......
The bad news is that its a total nightmare to set up, unless all the echos have been bought by the same person and are on the same Amazon account!
I have 2 echos, one bought by myself on my prime membership, the other bought by my son, on my prime membership, but as an extra person (my son shares my prime one day delivery stuff based on the settings).
Now, I can call and talk to my echo from my phone app, and I can call my phone app from my echo. My son can call and talk to his echo from his phone app and visa versa.... But can I call my sons echo!? Nope. Can he call mine? Nope!
So I started looking into this and theres this talk about using your contacts, so I created a new contact called the same as my sons echo and he done the same with his contacts called the same as my echo... Still no luck! And now I get issues as I have my sons contact details on 2 contacts!! arrgggg!
I saw theres this new 'household' thing where by you can elect for one adult to share all your prime membership stuff, and by the looks of it this might be someway for this to work, however that means I have to give full access and my son can then buy stuff with my credit card and see all my settings and so on! Surely that not the way this works?
Can anyone shed light on what i'm doing wrong. Indeed am I doing something wrong or is this how it all should happen...?
Also when I did call my echo from my phone, the drop-in simply opens up the communication! Theres no notification, or option for the echo not to connect. The echo just makes a calling noise and then connects??? Thats not right is it??? I can see issues with people using this to eavesdrop!
At the moment i'm very disappointed!