I really hope Amazon is considering reworking the whole Trigger word to launch apps and use IFTTT. The lack of natural voice dictation is the reason I sold my 6 echo devices and bought google homes instead. Works great with IFTTT and you can choose what you want to say and how it responds naturally. I did the same for my mom who didn’t understand Trigger this Trigger that and why it sounded weird.
I doubt very much that you ever owned one single dot. one thing though, even with google, if you do not say certain words when making a command, it will not work.
as far as naturally sounded. if I asked alex to turn something on, it just says ok. If you ask google home to turn something on, it will say ok, turning on whatever. it is way too wordy.
what I like about the echo, the commands are short and precise. you can enhance those command a bit to make it sound more natural if you want as long as you don't get too fancy.
too bad you never knew this since you never owned any dots.