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New to the Forum with a popular problem, Hue & Alexa

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New to the Forum with a popular problem, Hue & Alexa
« on: October 27, 2017, 01:54:59 pm »
Hi All,

I have been searching for the past two nights and all this morning for the answer to this. I think I might have made it worse.

Problem: Alexa does not detect my Hue Hub. I have a V2 Hub and an Echo, all purchased new this year. I had it all set up and working. I woke up yesterday and could not get the lights to function.

I checked my phone and all devices (Alexa, Hub and Harmony) are online. I have been using the phone to work the lights since.

I tell Alexa "turn on the tv" and she communicates with Harmony, and works fine.

I tried to detect the hub (many times) with no luck.

I power cycles both devices and tried to discover with no luck.

I tried moving the hub and Alexa in the same room as the router, all the same network, everything works except hue and alexa.

I tried clearing all (5) bulbs from the profile and clearing all actions / memory. Deleted and reinstalled the apps. No luck.

I can access the Hue Hub from my laptop, as well as Alexa so it is not a network issue. Everything is online.

I'm lost and there is no real tech type support.




Re: New to the Forum with a popular problem, Hue & Alexa
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2017, 11:48:11 am »
Only thing I can think of, which may or may not work, is to try doing a master reset on the hub. On the bottom of the hub is a little tiny hole, inside that hole is a button. When I had to do it I used a toothpick to push it. In my case it was because the hub wouldn't discover a new bulb I had bought. Note-this will scramble the bulb numbers. For example, prior to the reset I had bulbs 1,2,3 in my living room, 4 and 5 in the hallway, etc. After the reset they were all jumbled and now it's more like 1.8, 12 in the living room, 2 and 15 in the hallway, etc. It was a major pita to figure out which numbers corresponded to which bulbs and which groups they belonged in.