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Prime Music Stops Playing Midstream

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Prime Music Stops Playing Midstream
« on: November 08, 2017, 09:04:11 am »
I am (attempting) to use Prime Music on an Echo Dot connected via analog outputs to my Yamaha whole house receiver. My hope is to replace my nightly music listening via Pandora with my included Prime Music to save a few bucks. But, when I try to play a Prime Station or Playlist it will start up a play for a varying length of time before the music stops. Less than 15 minutes of playing time in some cases (not hours and hours later). It is annoying to say the least.

Wifi issues? Buffering with the Dot?  Anyone with any troubleshooting suggestions or alternative hardware scenarios to consider?  I currently have two Dots in the room with different wake words to control the devices in the room. Only the "Music Dot" is connected to the receiver. The receiver has Pandora built in as well as Pandora through a Logitech Media Server set up that includes a Raspberry Pi into another analog input (for the Zone 2 music to play it has to be either the built in programs or an analog input). The Raspberry Pi/Logitech Media Server has a nice DAC plus has my other older music library should the fancy strike.  Those other devices are all hardwired via Ethernet cables.

I also have a FireTV generation 2 in the same mix but I can't really switch between HDMI output and the analog outputs readily. I did try a HDMI switch with audio outputs but that didn't really work.   


Re: Prime Music Stops Playing Midstream
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2017, 01:16:57 pm »
I am experiencing a very similar issue although I haven't seen it in under 15 minutes as you mention sometimes happens.  I have reported this to Amazon support and the fact that they may be working on this could account for the difference.

It's always good to do a little reading and searching before posting as there is a post just a little further down the 1st page about this same issue where I responded in detail.  Rather than duplicating I'll just point you to that thread:,2781.0.html

My suggestion:  Use the "Help & Feedback" section in your Alexa App to send feedback and include the Amazon Support ticket number (from above link).  The additional benefit of doing this (theoretically) is that log detail is included with the feedback.  Call the Amazon Echo Support team and open your own ticket referencing my ticket.  You might even include both ticket numbers in the feedback.  Once you have a ticket post the number here.  A community of users grouping behind specific problems in an organized manner can get a better response as well as share information.