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Echo & Alexa Forums

Alexa & windows phone

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Alexa & windows phone
« on: November 10, 2017, 05:03:30 pm »
I have just started using an Echo Dot and have a couple of questions that I have not found answers to yet.

A.) I have a windows phone and have not been able to load the Alexa app on it or find a workaround, does something exist?

B.) I have been able to create lists and linked to my Gmail and Google calendar but without the Alexa app on my phone have not been able to see the shopping list yet.

C.) Playing my music (located on my LAN), how do I force Alexa to look where I have the music saved?

Any help is appreciated.

Re: Alexa & windows phone
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2017, 07:09:57 pm »
you can access alexa using the phones browser.  just go to

as far as forcing to view your playlists on your lan, no can do.