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Compatible Lights and Switches for Philips Hue?

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Compatible Lights and Switches for Philips Hue?
« on: November 09, 2017, 01:51:36 pm »
Trying to find a compatible wall dimmer switch that will work with Philips Hue; does anyone know if they exist, and if so, what brand and model? I am also looking for compatible lights, I believe Cree, and GE may work, but not sure. If anyone has any connected to their Hue please respond. Thanks in advance

Re: Compatible Lights and Switches for Philips Hue?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2017, 02:55:49 pm »
I have both ge and cree bulbs and both will work with hue.  I looked it up a while back when I started having issues with wink.  those issues have since gone away so never did switch over.  besides, I hate using that hue app.  just don't like the interface and the way you have to set things up. 

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Re: Compatible Lights and Switches for Philips Hue?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2017, 08:57:46 am »
Philips makes a switch, it is battery operated so it can be placed anywhere. I have a couple. They are ~ $20 - $25. You might even find them at a retail store near you.


Re: Compatible Lights and Switches for Philips Hue?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2017, 12:56:01 pm »
Thanks for the responses. I am thinking about trying Cree. I can get them at the local Home Depot. On the switch response. I was looking for an in wall dimmer switch, you know the kind you have to wire up. I do have the Philips Dimmer switch. I purchased that one thinking it was a in wall replacement, my stupid mistake, but it is a nice remote for the bulbs. I ended up not doing a dimmer and purchased a NewRice Wifi Switch. $24.00. I am still going to get a dimmer switch, just not sure which one. I wanted to stay with one or two vendors and didn't want a bunch of Hubs. The NewRice, doesn't need a hub and works, so far, pretty good. Thanks for your response.

Re: Compatible Lights and Switches for Philips Hue?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2017, 02:19:50 pm »
Thanks for the responses. I am thinking about trying Cree. I can get them at the local Home Depot. On the switch response. I was looking for an in wall dimmer switch, you know the kind you have to wire up. I do have the Philips Dimmer switch. I purchased that one thinking it was a in wall replacement, my stupid mistake, but it is a nice remote for the bulbs. I ended up not doing a dimmer and purchased a NewRice Wifi Switch. $24.00. I am still going to get a dimmer switch, just not sure which one. I wanted to stay with one or two vendors and didn't want a bunch of Hubs. The NewRice, doesn't need a hub and works, so far, pretty good. Thanks for your response.

you said you wanted to stay with one or two venders, I would suggest two or three venders in case one pulls out of the smart home market.  I have been burned in the past when I originally went with tcp connected only.  they pulled out of the market and I was stuck with about 20 smart home bulbs that would no longer work with the echo or remotely. 
It got expensive to replace all of those bulbs.  I now use three different companies so if something does happen to one, it won't be as expensive.