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Can't Connect

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Can't Connect
« on: December 19, 2017, 01:12:06 pm »
I have the Echo 1st generation.  I just got a new Wi-Fi router and I can't connect.  In my device settings the Echo is not seeing my wifi.  All my other devices at home are fine.  It's taking me around in circles to go in to my wifi settings, select the Echo amazon name, then back to my wifi settings and select my home wifi - over and over again.   It's saying connected, no internet (?).  I've done everything except throw my Echo in the trash.  Can anyone please help me - I'm not that tech savy :-\

Re: Can't Connect
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2017, 04:35:50 pm »
are you using the same ssid and passwords as before?  if not, that would be the best thing to do otherwise, you will have to change your passwords in all the different devices and their respected apps too.  even with that you may still need to power cycle everything.  I did when I replaced my router.