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Amazon Echo Setup

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Amazon Echo Setup
« on: December 18, 2017, 10:39:38 am »

I have the Echo Plus, which came with the Phillips Hue bulb, which works great.

I setup the Echo plus using my login details for Amazon perfect, then went and added my wife amazon details to my household account.

However she cant see the bulb on her smarthome section on app, do I have to also setup the echo plus on her phone as well? (I figured it would do it via the household account)

Also which is maybe related, when I go to the bottom right hand icon on IOS app, I see three options :

  • {wifesname} Amazon Apps
  • Living Room Echo Plus (which I setup via my phones app)
  • Chris's Amazon Apps

what are the 2 things saying amazon apps and how to I get it to default to Living Room Echo Plus as is currently defaults to {wifesname} Amazon Apps

Thanks Chris