I am trying to create a Music Group for multi-room streaming, I have 6 Dot's and 2 Echo's. When I try to select 2 of the dots (Office/Basement) AND the Echo in Living Room, that works, but Kitchen Echo becomes "Device Unreachable". If I select the Kitchen Echo first, All the other Dots become shaded and marked "Device Unreachable", If I select any of the Dots, the Kitchen Echo becomes "Device Unreachable". Note the Living room Echo can be grouped with either the Kitchen or the Dots without triggering a "Device Unreachable" on either.
Note Kitchen and Living Room Echos, although different colors (1 white/1 black), were purchased on the same day and installed on same network at same time. I'm not sure why they are behaving differently.
Has anyone seen this? is there a workaround? if not is there a fix? coming?