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Alexa with Hive Multi Zone heating

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Alexa with Hive Multi Zone heating
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:57:09 am »
I have both Hive skills installed. Hive - Optimised for Smart Home and Hive with Boost and More.

I have two hive thermostats named Upstairs and Downstairs.

Some commands work eg Alexa what is the upstairs temperature.

However specifying Hive in the request fails.

eg "Alexa - ask hive how warm is my house" gives "you don't have the right Hive devices to fulfil that task"

and "Alexa - ask hive to boost downstairs heating" gives "which one shall I use". It then fails to recognise device name whether I use Upstairs or Downstairs.

From the Alexa log I can see that the phrases are being read correctly.

 Has anyone got Alexa working with multiple Hive heating zones?



Re: Alexa with Hive Multi Zone heating
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2018, 12:59:15 pm »
I have hive with just 1 zone, (NO HIVE HUB)  as the Echo Plus apparently has one inbuilt. My philips hue bulbs work great, but the hive will not work through Alexa at all!!