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Echo v Tap

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Echo v Tap
« on: November 30, 2017, 01:00:26 pm »
Any idea as to something (in this case BBC Radio 2 on Tunein) will play flawlessly on my Amazon Tap but not on my Amazon Echo - on the Echo there are constant breaks and buffering. They are both receiving the same WiFi signal, in fact the Echo is much closer to the source. Everything else plays just fine on both. Also, it works fine on my Amazon Dot.


Re: Echo v Tap
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2018, 10:01:15 am »
Ok I found this out reading a post. And remember this thread so I search it. When I say Alexa, play BBC2 there was constant buffering like every 30 sec. I actually thought I broke my echo coz I was playing with it.

So I tried different tunein station. It did not buffer. Then I tried - Alexa, play BBC2 on Tunein - no buffering. Well WTF. LOL.