I don't think .ca knows what .com is doing on Alexa and vice versa. I have had my Alexa devices on Amazon.com since Echo first came out. Recently I could stay on .com and set up my device with a Canadian address and get weather to my location i.e. Alexa what's the weather with her answering Weather in Douglas Canada is 5 C etc. Then all of a sudden Alexa knew squat about my location. I wrote to .com and they told me I had registered my devices to .ca. I said "no, I have never changed where they are registered which is .com, but I entered a Canadian address and was getting accurate weather reports for a week, and then it stopped abruptly". But they insist that the only way I received Canadian weather was when my devices were registered to .ca. I give up. They are hopeless these days. Reps try to be nice, but they are obviously all off shore and don't really know what is happening.