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Echo Integration with Learning Remote?

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Echo Integration with Learning Remote?
« on: February 02, 2016, 11:48:12 am »
Hi Folks,
My Echo comes today.  Can't wait.  I have Qmotion brand electric roller blinds in my house.  They are controlled by an RF remote.  I would love to be able to ask Alexa to open the blinds, etc.  I am thinking that I would need the Echo to "talk" to a universal programable remote. 

Is there any such product.  I called Qmotion and I think that they have an App based application.  But I want Echo voice control.



Re: Echo Integration with Learning Remote?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2016, 06:14:51 pm »
Yes, it can be done. One such product is the logitech harmony smart hub. You can use an IFTTT trigger (which Alexa can do) to kick off a Harmony 'activity'. Basically the hub can kick off any 'script' of RF commands you want to program. If your required RF device is listed with Harmony already (you can check on the website)  the hub will know how to control it. If it doesn't you can teach the hub the RF commands needed. I have all sorts of RF devices working in this way from cheap coloured LEDs to a load of LED candles, not to mention my TV & Stereo etc.


Re: Echo Integration with Learning Remote?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2016, 10:40:45 am »
Thanks.  I researched the Harmony Hub to see if it could learn RF commands and found nothing to indicate that it could.  I am glad that you discovered that the Harmony Hub could learn RF commands.  I wish I could find a link just double confirming that.    My window blinds are QMotion.  I could not find any reference to QMotion on the Harmony website. 

I appreciate the help. 


Re: Echo Integration with Learning Remote?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2016, 08:07:25 pm »
Apologies. You are quite right. The harmony Hub does seem to support RF stuff, but you can't teach it new RF commands. You can teach it infrared commands. My bad!