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Alexa not responding correctly to music commands

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Chronocidal Guy

Alexa not responding correctly to music commands
« on: February 07, 2018, 02:54:54 am »
I've been having a variety of issues with any music-related command for some time now.  Commands such as pause, skip, stop, either get no response, or the "I'm not quite sure how to help you with that."  At times, it will confuse these commands for device names, or even playlists, and say it cannot find them.

The most bizarre response that I sometimes get is that it will say an incomplete sentence along the lines of "I cannot find any devices named ____ that can play music," where the "___" will be entirely skipped over.

This is happening both with device groups, and single devices.

Is there some recent update that gimped these commands?  The only command that gets any consistent response for music playing is saying "cancel," which generally isn't what I want to do if I just need to pause for a phone call.

Alpha Bitch

Re: Alexa not responding correctly to music commands
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 02:28:47 pm »
Take the voice training in settings.  You may need to take it a few times.  Took me 3xs before my DOT 2nd gen recognized my voice. 

Chronocidal Guy

Re: Alexa not responding correctly to music commands
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2018, 08:47:03 pm »
I think I did a while back, but the commands also used to work flawlessly a week or so ago.

Also, after testing a bit, I was incorrect.  This only seems to happen when playing on a device group, not a single device.  It works fine if I only use a single echo, recognizes all the commands that it fumbles on in group play.