I've never seen this mentioned, and I know it would need to be done by Amazon themselves, and perhaps due to their ages/experience they have not thought of this.
However, when dealing with elderly people, their hearing, and, more to the point their understanding of the spoken word, esp at speed is nowhere near what it's like when younger.
We will probably all get to that point ourselves, barring unforeseen accidents.
I feel it would be an excellent, and I would imagine pretty easy task to allow the user to set the speed of the voice of Alexa.
Perhaps 4 speeds? Slow, Medium, Normal, Fast.
Probably don't need fast if I'm honest, but slower is a must for the elderly.
If you think when speaking to perhaps your grandma/pa that you need to speak slower so they can understand what you are saying.
Given how these devices are ideal for those without computer skills, disabled elderly, I feel it would be a good thing for amazon to consider.
Perhaps I should suggest it?
what do you think? Silly idea or something they should offer ?