Hi Guys
I'm quite new to Alexa and would like to ask,... How... when, will the ability for Alexa to add repeated Calendar events?
Yesterday, I wanted to start adding birthday's and No matter which way I worded my command, Alexa would always give me the same answer.
I'm not able to add repeated calendar events at the moment
So, how does one actually have Alexa add repeated events and birthdays into Alexa to add to the Gmail calendar?
I use the Gmail account, everything is then really easy to sign into with my Sony Android TV and seeing as I bought the TV off Amazon, it made sense seeing as I use the Gmail with Amazon, plus, the Sony TV advised using the same Email as I use with Amazon.
At the moment, I can only add an event or a birthday for one time only and would have to manually keep adding it every year.
I've even looked for a Gmail, Calendar skill that works with all Gmail or some of the Google products,... the only ones I could find aren't made by or endorsed by Google, there was one, however, all the comments mentioned that you had to keep re-connecting with the Gmail service, it seems the permissions kept getting rejected.
Furthermore, I did add this to the feedback on the Alexa webpage and it did mention that not all skills are ready for the UK Market, would this be true?
Any advice you could give so I may use my Alexa productively would be greatly appreciated.
With Regards