hello! My home is pretty much all Alexa, ran with KASA and Smarthome in conjunction. TP Link bulbs and outlets, Ecobee 4 (which I really need help with) Ring cameras, a Roomba, firesticks. Basically my life is now Amazon, for better or for worse, lol.
My girlfriend has some anxiety and one of the things she panics over is if we closed the garage door. I thought, "Easy fix" and bough the first of what will be several Samsung door sensors. Now up until this weekend, I would have told you I was 100% positive that at some point, the garage door touches the house part of the garage.
It does not. Its like every other garage door now that I think about it, and its on a metal track. It isn't wide enough to stick the door sensor. This leaves me with my original issue.
Short of buying a $200 smart camera to place in our garage to view the live feed (which is a waste), what else can I do to give her piece of mind at a glance?
So far its been great because one of her other constant anxiety attacks is "did I shut off the heater/curling iron?" Now when we leave the hose we tell Alexa we are leaving and she shuts those outlets off. I work in IT so anyway I can make her life easier with tech, it should be in my wheel house.