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BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein

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Re: BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2017, 11:57:22 am »
BBC 2 is playing fine for me.  However, yesterday I noticed that any radio station that I asked for by call sign played for a while and then went off.  Maybe a system glitch happening?


Re: BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2017, 01:47:49 pm »
Mine's been cutting out more often the last few days too. Puzzlingly, not all the Echo/Dots, just one or another. Google Home's been knocking off without being asked too. I don't play Radio 2, this is Radio 6. Weather? Signal? Same issue as when HD TV starts to clunk up? No idea but it all resolves quite quickly without much effort.


Re: BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2017, 02:17:40 pm »
The BBC Radio 2 stream on TuneIn has been very poor recently, intermittently dropping out or disappearing altogether.


Re: BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2017, 06:02:49 pm »
Thanks for the feedback everyone, your experience seems to be the same as mine, this week has involved lots of streams that just finish of their own accord when listening to Radio 2.  Hopefully it will get back to normal soon.


Re: BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2018, 11:22:56 am »
Had internet radio (Radio Paradise, since you ask, and no, it's nothing like it sounds!) on all morning via TuneIn with no drops, not even when the microwave is on which always seems to disrupt BBC stations.
My Echo Dot below the microwave sometimes drops while playing French radio RTL on TuneIn as the microwave is running.
I noticed this after switching ISPs (with a different internet box/router). Never experienced that before.
Not sure there is a relationship with the microwave although that was my first guess.
And I don't listen to TuneIn much on my other Echo devices to know if the microwave is indeed the culprit :-/



Re: BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2018, 12:57:03 pm »
Mine always knocked out the Echo - on/off/on/off again - but either the Show is different or the problem's been resolved because it hasn't happened since I plugged that in where the Echo used to be.

Offline jwlv

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Re: BBC Radio 2 not available on Tunein
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2018, 08:55:56 pm »
"Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with a frequency of about 2.45 GHz and a wavelength of about 12.2 cm; in the electromagnetic spectrum, they fall before infrared light but after radio waves (Heckert 2007). In a microwave oven, microwaves are produced by a device called a magnetron."

"The 2.4 GHz Part 15 band in the U.S. allows spread-spectrum operation as long as the 50 dB bandwidth of the signal is within the range of 2,400–2,483.5 MHz"

So yes, a microwave oven should and will interfere with 2.4 GHz WiFi devices.