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Odd behaviour on TuneIn

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Odd behaviour on TuneIn
« on: April 03, 2016, 06:43:29 pm »
I regularly listen to Radio Paradise on my Echo. However, recently it's started misbehaving.
I say "Tune in to Radio Paradise", and Alex tunes into "Paradise Radio" instead. It's not the same station and after 2-3 retries each time speaking more clearly, Alexa eventually gets it right. Annoying though!

Also, when I first got it, while connected to Radio Paradise, you could find out what the song was by saying "Alex, what's playing?". Now she just responds with the name of the radio station.

Anyone else see this?



Re: Odd behaviour on TuneIn
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2016, 09:31:36 pm »
1.  To be sure it is not the Echo that is confused, Turn off Echo (unplug) wait 10 seconds and plug it back in and it reboots..

2.  TuneIn stations often change how they call themselves, etc.  Also, try saying this:

"Alexa, play TuneIn station Radio Paradise"  I always preface the station name with "play TuneIn station" and hardly ever have an issue unless I stalled or mumbled.