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New X10 WIFI Hub?

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New X10 WIFI Hub?
« on: April 11, 2018, 12:36:11 pm »
Several users here started out with X10 and some like me still use this technology. :)
X10 was took over by Authinx back in 2014 and has been upgrading devices to perform better with modern day electronics ever since.
Authinx introduced a WiFi Hub around Christmas (which I had helped beta test) is currently out of stock so sales must be doing well.
They plan to release an Alexa Skill followed by a Google skill in the future.
This new hub works with all the old style X10 PLC modules (it has no x10 RF abilities)
The App is very basic currently but given the Hub is firmware upgradeable via the internet options seem almost endless.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 08:43:14 am by tuicemen »