Hi All
I'm pretty sure this isnt possible yet... but i wonder if theres a way to turn off the echo spot screen automatically.
Now, I know that you can say 'Alexa, turn off the screen' and i do this very regularly!
I dont really see the need to have the screen permanently on when im not actively using it. For example, when im out the house all day there is no reason for the screen to be on at all. I know that the screen is probably designed for longevity but it feels better to have it turn off when not required. Also, of course, I turn the screen off at night when i go to bed - i prefer total darkness - it only takes a tap or saying alexa to bring it back on after all.
That being said, the spot is also annoyingly sensitive! - i have echos around the house and it does seem like when i use any of them the spot always hears me too, and the screen turns back on (even though the spot wasnt the device that processed the command). Also, and more strangely, I sometimes find when i wake up in the morning that the spot's screen is back on - and ive certainly not tapped it or said alexa (unless im talking in my sleep :-) )
Anyway, seems to me that a great setting for the spot would be a 'turn of screen after x minutes'. This would be very useful, save a tiny bit of power, and extend the life of the screen.
As I said before, it seems a strange omission as there seems to be no functional reason why you would want the screen on and active 24/7 - only when you need it.