I love my Echo Dots, but I find the system of having to invoke skills very cumbersome, perplexing and frustrating.
Why do I need to say, “Ask Hive to boost the heating”, whereas I only need say, “turn on the lounge light” (which is also on Hive)? And what about, “Ask Pollen count for the pollen count”! I can ask, “Alexa, what is the current tube status” without invoking the Tube Info skill or, “what is the weather forecast for tomorrow” and ”What’s on TV tonight?” without having to say, “Ask TV Guide” first.
There may be a reason for this but, it is illogical and inconsistent. Why can’t I just ask for what I want without the invocation phrase, some of which are difficult to remember as well as the correct words for the action I want Alexa to perform. And some are ridiculous or repetitive as in the pollen count example above. Then there are those like Jurassic Bark where I am told to say, “Ask Jurassic Bark to bark”, but it works perfectly well if I just ask Alexa to bark like a dog.
OK, so maybe Alexa needs to be steered in the right direction. So, how about allowing the Alexa app to keep a list of default skills. Then, when I ask for something to do with my heating, it already knows that I only have one heating system and connects to Hive or nest or whatever. I also only have one robot carpet cleaner, so if I set Dyson as the default carpet cleaning skill, I would only have to say, “Start cleaning the carpets” instead of “Ask Dyson to start cleaning”.
Just a thought.