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Echo & Alexa Forums

Echo Show to Echo Show communication ??

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Echo Show to Echo Show communication ??
« on: July 23, 2018, 10:36:23 am »
I have 4 Echo Shows and Two Dots.  I can't get the Shows to work as Shows.  Trial and error mode is kinda frustrating

It seems Alexa default is a non-screen communication

How do you set up Alexa so she knows which devices are Echo Shows video screen and turns on camera ??

to help me understand this a little better.. here's an analogy.
Does the whole Alexa app work as a VPN.. and each device using an alexa app need to be set up as a node ??

Thanks in advance for your assistance


Re: Echo Show to Echo Show communication ??
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2018, 10:45:52 am »
"Drop in" doesn't work?

It works fine for me, between show & dot.