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Echo gen 2 + TP Link Smart Plug

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Echo gen 2 + TP Link Smart Plug
« on: September 02, 2018, 12:41:03 pm »
This is a pretty good deal if you're looking for a new Echo device.

Echo (gen 2) with a TP Link Smart Plug (model HS110) for $70. Looks like the deal is valid through 9/9/2018.

It's sold by and shipped from QVC. Amazon sells the Echo (gen 2) for $85 without the smart plug. The TP Link Smart Plug is worth about $25 by itself.

If it's your first purchase on QVC, you can use code FIVE4U for $5 off.


Re: Echo gen 2 + TP Link Smart Plug
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2018, 01:47:59 am »
That's the TP-Link model that takes up both sockets tho.  Not sure if it's still going or not but a couple of weeks ago I was able to get a TP-Link smart plug mini for $10 on Amazon.  Code is Smart10.  You have to own a registered Alexa device.  Only one per customer.  I didn't need another one but I couldn't pass up the deal.