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Missing from newest Alexa app update

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Missing from newest Alexa app update
« on: October 16, 2018, 08:29:16 pm »
I'm frustrated because I can no longer remotely control via the android Alexa app the volume of the 5 Amazon Echos I have throughout my house.  Am I missing something or is that feature completely disabled?  I used to be able to adjust the volume of each independently remotely.  Thanks for any feedback ...


Re: Missing from newest Alexa app update
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 09:32:29 pm »

Hit the little house at the bottom right of the screen.
At the top left under the menu selector, hit the button that says Echo & Alexa...

I think you can handle it from there.  :)


Re: Missing from newest Alexa app update
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2018, 11:44:42 pm »
Hit settings.
Hit the little house icon to the far right at the bottom of the screen.
Hit the icon at the top left that has Echo & Alexa written under it.
Choose which room named device i.e. Family Room.
Hit the Alexa swirl icon in the middle of the screen at the bottom and ask for whatever music you want i.e. "Play KD Lang Hallelujah".
To adjust the volume, tap the written "Hallelujah".
That will take you to the album cover. It will have a little speaker airhorn icon at the top right of screen, press that to adjust volume.


Re: Missing from newest Alexa app update
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2018, 10:50:45 am »
I appreciate the two responses, but I am still unable to access a "horn" icon to adjust the volume of each echo remotely (using the new App Version 2.2.231367.0 ... my device is an Android, and it loaded very recently, a week or so ago).  On the previous version, I was able to access the mentioned "horn" icon to adjust the volume of each echo remotely.

Two advantages of this particular version is if you go into the settings for each Echo and click "Sounds" there is an "Equalizer" setting that allows you to adjust the Bass/Mid/Treble.   Also, with this new version of the App you can create Separate Music Groups using any of your Echos multiple times in various groups you choose to create.  These two are wonderful updates, yay!

I wish Amazon would bring that "Horn" icon that allows users to adjust the volume of each echo remotely.  AMAZON, are you listening?

Have others received this newest Alexa app update?  App Version 2.2.231367.0 
Maybe there is still a trick to adjusting the volume remotely I have missed, but I feel like I have tried everything.


Re: Missing from newest Alexa app update
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 07:40:32 pm »
I have the same update as you do.  The horn icon comes up for me when I ask for music. I have tested repeatedly and if I hit the name of the song playing at the bottom of my screen i.e. Ring of Fire  Johnny Cash, then the album cover is displayed with the horn icon at the top right, and I tap the horn and I get the volume adjustment.  Sometimes these changes seem to work inconsistently at first and then settle in to working all the time. Good luck.