Glad to know power cycling fixed the problem you were having.
DParker, as I have a background in electronics training and repair far back in my past that was a full year of ET school, 5 days a week of nothing but electronics, pertaining to things like radio, radar, computers and their logic circuits etc, and then repairing the darn things for another 5+ years,its not fair for me to get into a discussion any deeper than my previous comments. There is a difference between Wi-Fi (i.e radio) for routers and Wi-Fi (radio) for BT, but let's just drop further discussion. We both have better things to do.
And, the problem with BT interfering with Echo is because in many cases someone DID forgot the BT of some device was still on. So good for you; like me, you turn off BT when not using it, but, nevertheless, we both can forget it is on once in a while and cause our self a problem.