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showing specific albums on echo show but not others?

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showing specific albums on echo show but not others?
« on: November 09, 2018, 01:13:46 pm »
So, I've been tryin g to figure this out for awhile now with the amazon photos and my echo show, and fire tv. But this is more related to my echo show.

I have multiple albums in my photos and in my amazon drive, and I would like to play a specific one when I ask for a slideshow, which she does just fine. Problem is that I can't figure out how to make a specific album not show up if me or someone asks the show to play photos. It will just pick anything it sees in amazon drive and show it, even videos.

I wonder if anyone has figured out how to hide a folder or album in either drive or photos so alexa will not play certain pictures if using the my photos slideshow? I also tryed selcting the ones in photos and switch them to hidden, but that also make them not show on the echo show, just a blank screen.

Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance.