stupendous price....and yes i got mine early - my first AI
Amazing music capability given ridiculous speaker size and sound channeling !
Still learning - you can adjust bass and treble by asking - yes very effective
Cant access 'follow on' yet - for some reason only in US App!! - really want ths feature (without loading US App and switchin around) as it makes it more conversational, using real time dynamic memory - I have found using prompt button can evoke some amount of follow on
Dont like to use wake word continually so will prob buy a remote
Construction quality of unit is first class - even the cable is a rubberised plastic
I would have thought far better sound would have come radiating through cloth mesh rather than mini holes in base circumference - better still, why not use a 60 mm flat plane speaker firing directly through a top mesh grille and put controls around circumference? - Mid and top freqs through top and bass through 'woofer' firing down through existing holes? - Unit can afford to be twice the depth and incl recharge pack without treading on toes of the larger units
If present one makes sense for manuf at £24 - the improved design could no doubt be done for £49 net retail - hec, make it a 'deluxe' variant on Base Dot
I set my unit up using a PC rather than the much referred to Smart Phone
The Indi Apps are all pretty naff, so hope Alexa keeps developing their own - PC inter action could be interesting