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External speaker volume setting & whisper

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External speaker volume setting & whisper
« on: December 15, 2018, 09:30:08 am »
With my external speaker I have to set the Echo Dot 3g volume to 5 for proper Alexa volume. When I initiate a whisper session, Dot changes vol to 3 for Alexas response. That is too low for me to hear. It seams that the reg voice at 4 & whisper at 3 is OK for the internal speaker, but for external speaker 5 is right for regular voice, but 3 is too low for whisper. It looks like the Dot will not allow the whisper voice to exceed volume 3 regardless of the main volume setting. In my opinion, the regular & whisper volumes should be adjusted independently or at least have the whisper volume track the main volume & only drop it by one step.